Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

Durango cyclist thanks those who helped after crash

I want to thank the many people who stopped to help me Wednesday afternoon when I crashed my bike near the railroad tracks/library. Thank you to the woman who put a tourniquet on my thigh above the deep gash in my leg. Thank you to the person who called the ambulance. Thank you to David, who took my bike to his house. Thank you to the woman who stood in the path of the sun so I would have some shade. I was so shaken up after the accident that I neglected to thank all of you in person. Many thanks to the police officers, EMTs and paramedics who transported me to the ER at Mercy where I was well cared for. I have many stitches but no concussion or broken bones – it could have been much worse.

Durangoans have always been helpful and responsive to those in need – though I wish I hadn’t found out first hand.

With deep appreciation,

Nan Braum