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Durango displays good use of warnings

Driving in and around Durango and on Highways 160 and 550 a few weeks back, I noticed the progressive use of flashing LED/solar powered warning and pedestrian crosswalk devices, also known as SPOT DEVICES. Kudos and accolades to the planners, and installers of these new warning devices.

With Durango’s large amount of tourist foot traffic, and many visiting motorists not familiar with Durango intersections, these traffic control and crosswalk warning flashing lights are the ultimate in warning and guidance. I would suggest a device being installed on the crosswalk at the T-intersection of Highways 160 and 550 along the bike and pedestrian route to warn east-bound motorists on Highway 550 of the crosswalk, and of crossing pedestrians and bicyclists.

These devices originated in Reno, Nevada. They are heavily and very successfully used in Reno particularly at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport passenger drop off and pick up areas.

Reno is the biggest little city in the world. Durango is the nicest little town in the world.

David Murray

Reno, Nev.