Performing Arts

Durango turns out for a rockin’ Follies

Elvis, elderly rock stars and neurotic singers take the stage
“The Passing Stones,” played by John Staten and Thatcher Leavenworth, entertain the Snowdown Follies crowd on Tuesday night at the Durango Arts Center.

Durango, you may not know it, but some of your fellow residents are serious rock gods.

And others have serious potty mouths.

And still others ... well.

At least they were Tuesday at the Snowdown Follies media night at Durango Arts Center, when people you work and play with every day let it all hang out on stage – making eye contact with some of these folks may prove difficult for a while – I’m looking at you, gentlemen of “The Passing Stones” (John Staten and Thatcher Leavenwoth) and you, too, people of “Dance Support Group” (Vanessa Taylor, Leigh Mikell, Maria Jimena Martinez Ghersinich, Hugh Boles and Brian Wilson).

Emcees Sigfred and Boyd, played by Christopher Calagias and Sean Hein, with the Snowdown Follies B-Cast entertain the crowd on Tuesday night at the Durango Arts Center.

For those who have never been to a performance of the Follies, the show is split into two casts – A and B – which switch between DAC and Henry Strater Theatre during intermission, so audiences essentially get two shows in one. Both casts come with two emcees (this year, the A-Cast is led by Wayne and Garth (Jonathan Hunt and Dave Imming in real life) and the B is led by Sigfred and Boyd (Christopher Calagias and Sean Hein in real life). There are also two chorus lines.

I’ve noticed that during each Follies I get to see, there’s always one point where I start laughing until I cry. It usually happens during the second act, and I’m not sure if it’s anything in particular or just the relentless jokes – even some at this paper’s expense. This year, the Making-the-Herald-A&E-Editor-Laugh-Until-She-Cries award goes to the emcees of the B-Cast, Sigfred & Boyd. Maybe it was the accents, perhaps it was the costumes or – I don’t want to give anything away, but suffice it to say, they brought the “rock ‘n’ roll magic.”

This year, be sure you’re not in the can when these acts hit the stage:

Elvis is apparently alive and well and enjoying a limited residency in the 970, courtesy of Tim Zink, Dan Imming and Paul Gibson.If you live in Durango for any stretch of time, chances are you’ve had a roommate or two. Evan Bradshaw, Shannon Cox, Cyle Pete and Carlos Rocha offer some advice in “Roommate Life Hacks.”

The opening chorus line starts the Snowdown Follies on Tuesday night at the Durango Arts Center.

The ladies of rock sure could use a little help in the self-care department.There’s plenty you can accomplish with a bucket and a harmonica.So, for those about to rock, we salute you ... and Happy Snowdown!

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