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Eagle scout installs Twin Buttes’ trail system signs

Color-coded signs will mark intersections

Boy Scouts installed new way-finding signs throughout the 10-mile trail system in Twin Buttes on Sunday afternoon.

Animas High School student Sean Holley, 15, saw the need for signs while mountain biking.

While he was still unfamiliar with the trails, he ended up in a privately owned area.

“A lot of new people, they’ll come to use the trails and take wrong turns, and I’d like to prevent that,” he said.

Holley, a scout with Troop 501, installed the signs as his Eagle Scout project. The projects are the final step in the Boy Scout journey, he said.

“It helps the community, and it involves the community, and it makes a difference,” he said.

Holley planned to install six of the seven color-coded signs in the trail system on Sunday with help from fellow Boy Scouts Tyler Snodgrass, Phillip Kolter and Alex Kolter.

The colors of the signs will match the colors of the trails on the map for the area, Josh Holley said. Josh is Sean Holley’s father.


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