Tree farmer earns praise for work
The Colorado State Tree Farm Committee has recognized Archuleta County tree farmer Peter Prina as the 2015 Colorado Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year.
Prina is receiving the award for an exceptional job of forest management on his forested property south of Pagosa Springs, and for promoting productive forestry practices.
Local landowners interested in learning more about tree farming and the management of private forests are invited to attend a recognition ceremony Saturday and to tour Prina’s forested properties south of Pagosa Springs.
A tree farm is any tract of privately owned land voluntarily dedicated to growing renewable resources, while protecting environmental benefits and increasing public understanding of sustainable forestry.
For more information about the American Tree Farm System, visit To register for Saturday’s event, call 247-5250 or email
Learning the basics at Water 101 Seminar
The ninth annual Water 101 Seminar will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sept. 25 at the Pine River Public Library, 395 Bayfield Center Drive in Bayfield.
The keynote speaker will be Colorado Supreme Court Justice Gregory Hobbs. The cost is $35 before Sept. 16 or $40 after and at the door. For professionals seeking continuing education credits the cost is $50 before Sept. 16 or $60 at the door.
The price includes lunch, snack and an information packet. Topics will include Colorado water law, history, administration and development. Continuing education credits are available to lawyers and real-estate agents, water-utility operators and teachers.
For more information or to register, call 247-1302 or visit
Mesa Verde to waive entrance fees Tuesday
Mesa Verde National Park will waive entrance fees Tuesday to celebrate the 99th birthday of the National Park Service.
Admission to Mesa Verde National Park and all other National Park Service sites will be free.
The National Park Service is inviting everyone to Find Your Park, and has created a list of 99 ways to help people get started. To see the entire list of 99 ways to Find Your Park, visit
For more information, visit at
Tour de Farms to roll through local gardens
The 2015 Tour de Farms will take place Saturday.
The ride will start shortly after 8 a.m. at the Smiley Building, 1309 East Third Ave. The ride will end around noon. An after-ride celebration will be held at Ska Brewing Co., 225 Girard St.
The tour features two rides: an in-town ride of backyard and community gardens and a production farm, and an out-of-town ride featuring five locations in the Animas Valley. The cost is $20.
For more information and to register, visit
Workshop to reveal nature’s traps
The “Trapped: When Nature Captures Itself” workshop will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the Durango Nature Studies Nature Center.
The cost is $10 for nonmembers, and free for members. Participants will spend the morning at the Durango Nature Center hiking the trails and learning about some of nature’s traps. Workshop participants will receive free entry to the Nature Center, which is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
To register, email, call 769-1800 or visit
You can read plan for Chimney Rock
The San Juan National Forest has released the final Chimney Rock National Monument Environmental Impact Statement and Management Plan.
The U.S. Forest Service was directed to prepare a management plan within three years after Chimney Rock National Monument was established by Presidential Proclamation on Sept. 21, 2012.
The management plan establishes a framework for future decision-making within the monument and also proposes several specific projects, including construction of interpretive trails, visitor facilities and additional parking; extension of the season of operation; and various prohibitions designed to prevent resource damage.
The final statement, final management plan and draft Records of Decision can be viewed at
The documents are also available for viewing at the Pagosa District Office in Pagosa Springs, Columbine District Office in Bayfield and San Juan Public Lands Center in Durango.
For more information, call Sara Brinton at 264-1532.
Herald Staff