Astronomy program scheduled for Friday
Durango Nature Studies and astronomer John Buting will present the Green Laser Star Program from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday at the Old Fort in Hesperus.
Buting will be the instructor for the dark-sky astronomy program, which will feature a green laser constellation show.
Buting will use a green laser to identifying constellations and talk about their multicultural mythology.
Participants should bring binoculars if available. There are numerous binocular targets easily viewed with the aid of the laser pointer.
The event is free for members and $10 for non-members.
To register, call 769-1800 or email
Plant identification hike set for Saturday
Botanist Al Schneider will hold a winter plant identification hike at 9 a.m. Saturday at Morefield Campground in Mesa Verde National Park.
The guided hike is free, but advance sign-up is requested.
This hike is recommended for people high school age and older. Participants will meet at the Morefield Village parking lot and then explore the hillsides around the campground. They will learn how to identify plants during the winter, when their foliage is not present.
Participants should be prepared to be outdoors for two or three hours with extra layers of clothing, water and snacks.
There is a limit of 15 participants. If needed, snowshoes will be provided, or participants can bring their own.
To sign up, for weather conditions and for more information, call 529-4631 or visit
Volunteers needed for willow planting
The Animas Watershed Partnership will hold a willow planting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 19 and April 9 on the Florida River near the Durango-La Plata County Airport.
Volunteers are needed for two four-hour days of field work, with a lunch break. The partnership would like volunteers to commit to both days, but it is not required.
Each volunteer will have the opportunity to use rebar and mallets for putting holes into riverbanks, plant willow cuttings into the holes and cut willows and transfer them to the planting site.
On-site training will be provided. Participants should be prepared for all possible weather and terrain.
If interested, email before Wednesday.
Forest Service seeks committee nominees
The San Juan National Forest is seeking nominees from communities in Southwest Colorado to fill vacancies on the San Juan Resource Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the committee is to improve collaborative relationships and provide recommendations to the Forest Service about projects and funding consistent with the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Committee membership will reflect a balance of interest groups. Terms will be four years.
To be considered, nominees must be residents of Colorado, identify what interest group they represent and show past experience working successfully on forest management activities as part of a group.
Nominations will be approved by the secretary of Agriculture.
For more information, call 385-1210, email or visit
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