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Extinction crisis, climate change and upcoming election

Planet Earth is in an extinction crisis, and climate change is affecting us and all species on Earth now and in the future. No mention of this from the presidential candidates. This is crucial to address.

Species are going extinct at a rate 100 times the background rate due to human activity: habitat loss, deforestation, overfishing, an economy using natural resources with no regard to pollution, wastes or ecological devastation and climate change due to our addiction to fossil fuels.

In this election, we must absolutely not consider Trump, who will undo the climate work done by Biden and will continue gutting the Endangered Species Act and undoing work to conserve our wildlife and habitats upon which our lives and future depend.

Democrats will continue conservation of habitats and species, our rich and beautiful world, and not at the expense of the economy, jobs and federal debt. In the past 100 years, the economy and job growth under Democrats was twice as much as under Republicans. Likewise, Trump added twice as much debt as Biden. Heed the words of JFK: “Ask not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for the country,” and I say planet Earth.

Vote for conservation of biodiversity, moving from fossil fuel economy toward more renewable energies, to sustainability, to ensure your children’s future. We cannot go back, we need to move forward using our ingenuity and care for the Earth. Vote Democrat.

Margaret Ann Mayer
