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Fall colors light up Beaver Meadows

Beaver Meadows northeast of Bayfield was alight with fall colors Sunday. It also was a busy place with locals cutting firewood before bad weather sets in. Most likely, some people were scouting out hunting camp sites as well.

Oak brush provided the main color at the bottom end of the Beaver Meadows road complex. The main road winds up into the aspen and Ponderosa zone, then transitions to aspens, fir, and spruce forest to the uphill end of the road. Occasional stands of orange leafed aspens were interspersed with the more common gold leafed trees. One large aspen stand already was bare of leaves. Periodic wind gusts brought a rain of golden leaves.

The Broncos game was on the radio, and they were winning. I dubbed a scene with orange aspens glowing in the foreground against a blue horizon as a Broncos landscape.

It was a good day to be out.