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False notice raises airport questions

Again the Alinskyites and minions are at it crying their eyes out as no one loves them or their stories. A few weeks past, just before election time, the airport management sent letters to adjacent landowners for a meeting at the airport to be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 4. Wrong – Tuesday was Nov. 3 and Election Day. I contacted the management asking which day and did they want to be charged with interfering with the right to vote. I was told, after they checked my facts, that the meeting was Wednesday and they would phone all adjacent owners. At the meeting, I counted about 15 citizens attending out of two pages of names listed as landowners. Several told me they had been there Tuesday as the letter stated.

During the meeting, $85 million was questioned and we were told “no,” its just $35 million. But over 20 years, it would be $150 million and, oh yeah, the Federal Aviation Administration would pay the bill for making a new terminal. But the Colorado Department of Transportation was making the county change the county road to it. My thought was, if the county management tried to flim-flam on a meeting date, what else is not being told on the relocation?

During the election report, one was crying foul on the way the vote went. The next day another was aghast that maybe waiting until “next time” they could convince everyone that 5 x wasn’t that bad a tax.

No the commissioners want to advertise, advertise, advertise for the $35 million, $85 million or $150 million tax and a new name. JFK, Oprah, Michelle and, oh my, Ben Carson found La Plata County Airport – even if it is a cul-de-sac and reservoir for flotsam from California and New Jersey.

Paul M. McCaw


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