Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

Family of Ward E. Lee thanks Durango Community

The family of Ward E. Lee would like to thank you all for your heartfelt visits, cards, phone calls and sympathies. Our father’s legacy will continue to live while we live through his motto: “What a person says, what a person does, is their destiny and the results are eternal.”

You all are helping us with our healing as we continue to cherish Dad’s, Papa’s, Grandfather, Coach, Mentor, Friend and Educator’s Legacy. It is our hope that you will share some of our father’s life lessons with the youth of today to teach them the “Game of Life” as Daddy taught us and so many others.

There will be a Celebration of Ward E. Lee’s life and legacy at Ward Lee Field on June 11, 2023. Details to follow.

God Bless,

The Ward E. Lee Family