The American Indian Cultural ArtsFest will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 24, at Aztec Ruins National Monument, 725 Ruins Road, Aztec.
The event will feature diverse artists from various Southwest nations. Artists will be demonstrating their techniques and selling original creations. From contemporary to traditional, artists will feature pottery, jewelry, basketry and more.
The festival will also feature dances by the Pueblo Enchantment Dance group.
This event is made possible by assistance from the Chaco Culture Conservancy (CCC), a non-profit organization supporting education, interpretation and funding of many programs and events for Aztec Ruins National Monument and Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
The festival is free and open to the public. For more information, visit
Mamma Mia!, 7:30-10 p.m., Lions Wilderness Amphitheater, 5800 College Blvd. $12-$15. ABBA's timeless songs tell a tale of love, laughter and friendship. Tickets:
Local Food Summit, various times and locations. Free. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursday: virtual programs. 5:30 p.m. Thursday: local food cook-off at Downtown Makers Market and announcement of FMS Earth Day Challenge winners. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday: farm tours. 5:30 p.m. Friday SJC Harvest Food Hub Ribbon Cutting, 310 W. Animas St. 5-9 p.m. Friday: Downtown Art Walk. Details:
Downtown Art Walk, 5-9 p.m., Main Street downtown. Free. View local artists’ work and celebrate the opening of Harvest Food Hub.
Social and Art Walk, 6 p.m., Three Rivers Brewstillery Lounge, 109 E. Main St. Details: 324-2197.
Drive-In Movie Night, 9 p.m., San Juan College, 4601 College Blvd. Free. Cash-only concessions. Prizes awarded. Details:
Pianos in the Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., North Park Avenue, Aztec. Free. Hosted by 550 Brewing Taproom. Details:
Father Son Dodgeball & Pizza Party, 10 a.m., Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 Sycamore St. $8. Dodgeball, pizza and a photo. Tickets:
Calaveras, Santos Y Mas grand opening, 11 a.m., 219 W. Main St. Free. Refreshments served. Celebrate the grand opening of a new retail space with sugars skulls, Catrinas, Saints, rosaries and more. Details: 278-8139.
No Limits Monster Trucks and Mud Races, 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., McGee Park. $15-$25. Competitive racing with family events. Tickets:
All Holiday Costume Party, 7 p.m., 550 Brewing Taproom, 119 E. Chuska St. Details:
Escape the Badlands performance, 7:30 p.m., Tico Time Resort, 20 County Road 2050, Aztec. $19. Tickets:
Chaco Canyon #RedRoadToDC Totem Pole Journey Blessing Ceremony, noon, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, 1808 County Road 7950, Nageezi. Free. DetailsL:
Ally Venable performance, 4 p.m., Tico Time Resort, 20 County Road 2050, Aztec. $19. Tickets:
Moonlight Hike in the Bisti Badlands, 5:15 p.m., meet at Farmington Museum, 3401 E. Main St. $10. Must provide your own transportation. Register: (505) 599-1400.
American Indian Cultural ArtsFest, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Aztec Ruins National Monument, 725 Ruins Road Aztec. Free. Artists demonstrations and vendors. Details:
Book signing with local author Jack Yerby, 1-3 p.m., Amy’s Bookcase, 2530 San Juan Blvd. Yerby will be signing his newest book, “The Mystery of the Lost Will.”
Comedy Night, 7 p.m., Sun Ray Park and Casino, 39 County Road 5568. $25 for dinner and show. Featured comedians: Don Barnhart and Guy Fessenden. Details:
N.M. Aces Tag League, 5 p.m., Lions Wilderness Park. $1 per player. 18-holes rounds. Prizes awarded. Deatils:
22nd annual Handicapping Tournament, noon-6 .m., Sun Ray Park and Casino, 39 County Road 5568. Details:
For more information and to confirm event information, visit each event page online or call the organizer.
Event listings are updated daily on and in the printed editions of The Durango Herald every Wednesday.
The deadline for listings is 2:30 p.m. Friday.
Event listings are limited in length. You will not be able to list your event in this form if you exceed this limit or fail to complete the form below. Listings also may be submitted by email to, but must contain the information listed on the form below, and in the same order.
Listings are published at the prerogative of the calendar editor and may be edited for punctuation, clarity and length and to eliminate tasteless material. The Durango Herald bears no responsibility for inaccurate entries.