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Fix Obamacare if necessary; don’t kill it

The Obamacare replacements that Congress is discussing would leave millions of people without affordable, quality health coverage. I hope Rep. Scott Tipton and Sens. Michael Bennet and Cory Gardner will support only proposals that would ensure access to the same kind of care that Obamacare provides.

Although I am very healthy, I support sharing the load of health care expense among all members of our society. That is how insurance works.

I don’t know what health challenges I will experience in the future, but I don’t want to lose my house to pay for an unexpected medical situation. Proposals such as health savings accounts or expanded high-risk pools could lower costs for some, but at the expense of those needing health care the most due to illness or pre-existing health conditions.

My niece, who is 18, has an incurable condition, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. It is very painful. I would hate to see her without health insurance, and trying to deal with this condition that affects many young people.

Repealing Obamacare without an adequate replacement already established is a bad move. It would be better to keep Obamacare than to leave 30 million people without health coverage.

If Obamacare needs to be fixed, let’s make it better – not repeal it without a plan. The steep increase in premiums are a one-time fix, and in many cases, the subsidies were also raised.

Anne Dal Vera
