Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

Food drive celebrates Morlan

In honor of Ed Morlan Day, a food drive will be held Monday to Wednesdayat Bayfield Town Hall, 1199 Bayfield Parkway; Region 9 offices, 135 Burnett Court, Unit 1; and 118 W. Mill St.

All donations of nonperishable food will be accepted. Boxes will be set up for easy drop off.

In 2016, Gov. John Hicklenlooper proclaimed July 28 Ed Morlan Day in Colorado. Morlan was a leader and mentor who worked as executive director for Region 9 Economic Development District from 1989-2016. He helped jump-start many local businesses and was founder of the Southwest Colorado Accelerator Program for Entrepreneurs.

Morlan was also a trustee for the town of Bayfield for 18 years and was on the planning commission. He served on numerous state boards and won an assortment of awards.

For more information, call 769-6873.