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Go back where you came from, racists

Bayfield needs to address its deep racist history, and stop allowing white trash Southerners from doing deeply offensive things, like allowing the flag of traitors in Bayfield’s parades.

I realize education isn’t valued much in Southern culture, so maybe the Texans and other Southerners don’t own a U.S. map, or know how to read one, but Colorado is a northern state. We don’t value racism, stupidity, greed or traitors. We have had rich people impose on us since the earliest days, and we don’t allow money, especially corrupt money, to dictate what happens here.

I strongly suggest the Rocky Mountain Confederate Conservation members move right on back to south of the Mason-Dixon Line. They are not welcome here.

In this state, we live honorable, hard-working, kind lives, and obviously your lack of values is a problem. We don’t value racism, or its symbols.

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Marie Schulz
