
GOCO awards $86,200 grant to La Plata Open Space Conservancy

Great Outdoors Colorado awarded an $86,200 grant to La Plata Open Space Conservancy to launch a conservation, stewardship and community engagement initiative.

This project will involve engaging the conservancy’s partners, local youths and other community members. The conservancy will host information sessions for land-oriented professionals, and outreach will also help local landowners understand the benefits of conservation easements.

The conservancy will offer workshops for new owners of conserved properties to share information about land management and conservation practices. Staff members will also host one-on-one sessions with landowners to provide personalized education and guidance. To assist with outreach efforts, the conservancy will hire paid interns from Fort Lewis College.

The conservancy will launch a community connections program, working with San Juan Mountains Association and Compañeros to offer field trips, visits to conserved properties, after-school programs and environmental education opportunities.

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