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God to deal sharply with sexual sinners

Sodom and Gomorrah’s bloodlines were purged by God in order to dissolve the sinful sexual existence that overtook the population in these two cities. Only Lot and his family were not destroyed because they were born-again Christians. America is walking in the same sinful path and will be destroyed if we do not repent and turn back to God.

Why should anyone go to heaven who promotes, tolerates, encourages and passes laws whitewashing sexual sins.? Even churches and their members who remain silent on this issue are accepting the sin.

Our local churches could have offered a meeting room for high school student Josh Jenkins seeking a private meeting place for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender kids (Herald, June 22), and included the school’s Christian students who have sought a place for many years to meet and study God’s words. They could have led the “lost” students to Jesus Christ!

Will single couples also fall under the threat of hell who are coexisting as a married couple does, but without the benefit of God’s blessings and protection under his marriage laws? God designed marriage as a family unit to worship him, populate the world and guard against sexual diseases now at an epidemic level in our country.

Durango wedding photographer, Karen Skelley, (Herald, July 8) shares the same philosophy as others who deny the Bible was written by God. God appointed his writers who wrote his words now published in the King James Bible. Every single event has and will continue to happen in perfect timing as it is written more than 2,000 years ago – including the soon-to-come closure of the world. Sexual sins will be one of God’s last tolerances, He will pull his born-again followers out via the rapture and deal sharply with those left behind who already have been judged as sinners. The last finale is when Jesus Christ returns to Earth after the seven-year tribulation to deal with all who refused to accept him as lord and savior.

This letter lines up with the King James Bible scriptures. Check it out yourself.

Vi McCoy


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