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Gunshot shuts down North Monterrey Avenue in Farmington

Vicinity of May 15 shooting again draws heavy police response
A Farmington Police officer stands at the intersection of Ute Street and North Monterrey Avenue June 7, in response to a gunshot in the area. (David Edward Albright/Tri-City Record)

A report of a gunshot Wednesday afternoon shut down an area where on May 15, a shooter fired more than 150 rounds of ammunition and killed three women.

Farmington Police Department was called about 3:30 p.m. to a home in the 1100 block of North Monterrey Avenue in response to a domestic dispute. A shot reportedly was fired in the house.

Neighbors reported hearing at least one gunshot, and police officers reported seeing two males and a female leave the home.

One male fled in a vehicle, while another fled on a bicycle. A female was seen by police running outside the back of the house and into an alley.

About five Farmington police cruisers blocked off streets in the area while attempting to apprehend the suspects. Dispatch received calls from residents trying to access their homes.

“At least one of the suspects was apprehended“ shortly before 4 p.m., according to Shanice Gonzales, public information officer for the Farmington Police Department.

The original call and resulting chase occurred in the same area of Farmington, where on May 15, Beau Wilson, 18, fired more than 150 rounds of ammunition while walking up and down the street. Wilson killed three woman and injured several others before being shot and killed by police officers.