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Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 24

About 145 people participated in last week’s quiz.

Participants scored highest on a question about what the La Plata County Assessor’s Office is doing to help assess property value, with 68% of respondents correctly answering “aerial photography.”

Participants scored lowest on a question about what is being blamed for visitation being down 8 percent last year at Mesa Verde National Park, with only 22% of respondents correctly answering “wildfires.” (Seventy five percent of respondents answered “all of the above,” but heavy snow was not a factor in 2018.)

This week’s quiz features questions about a controversial proposal by Durango School District 9-R, a rockfall on Colorado Highway 145, what annual event is being celebrated this week, and more!

To take previous news quizzes, click here.