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Health Department cats were relocated

In reference to previous letters in The Durango Herald regarding cats living at San Juan Basin Health Department, the cats were relocated.

The cats that formally resided in our parking lot and at the staff entrance of SJBHD were taken to new homes in September of 2014. Before September 2014, unattended cat food was left in the SJBHD parking lot daily. This resulted in a significant congregation of skunks.

In addition to being a nuisance, skunks are now a common host species for rabies. The number of rabid skunks and other animals in Colorado has risen steadily and continues to rise, posing year-round potential rabies risks.

In order to protect the health and safety of the clients, the staff, the other tenants and the community-at-large, SJBHD acted to remove the skunks from our property.

We were advised that cat food was a contributor to the increased skunk population.

We informed the staff that it is not acceptable to provide cat food or shelters on the SJBHD property, as the shelters had become homes for skunk families.

Individuals then chose to relocate the cats.

Liane Jollon, executive director San Juan Basin Health Department


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