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Herald ‘waging war’ on Ellen Roberts

It looks like The Durango Herald is waging its own little war on a woman, that woman being state Sen. Ellen Roberts.

The latest in its series of hit pieces against Sen. Roberts had little news – few are surprised that Roberts will not run for the United States Senate at this juncture in her career – but consisted of a rehash of former rhetorical attacks. Plain and simple, The Durango Herald looks like its bullying a woman who disagrees with some of the viewpoints of its editorial staff.

It’s no secret that Republicans are always in the crosshairs of this paper, but just for the sake of appearances, it would be nice if the Herald exercised the same respect for Republican women that you demand for Democratic women!

Sen. Roberts is somewhat moderate when it comes to life issues. She’s not the radical, “free abortion on demand with no apologies” type lauded by the extreme left. Could that be one reason you bully her? She also represents those in her district who have traditional Colorado views on free markets, Second Amendment rights and traditional families. Could that be another reason the Herald wages war on this woman?

It’s disheartening to see our “free press” become a tool of punishment to be used against those who have differing opinions on differing things. Sen. Roberts is a duly elected official, a gentlewoman in every sense of the word and a decent woman to everyone she meets. Instead of waging war on the women who dare to disagree with the its editorial board, and who actually walk in the shoes of leaders, I suggest The Durango Herald return to its true and sacred role of reporting events that are newsworthy, and of holding government accountable.

Marjorie Haun

Grand Junction

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