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Highway 140 like ‘German autobahn’

Over the past year, Highway 140 from the state line to Hesperus has become a speedway for commuters from New Mexico into Colorado. It isn’t uncommon to have multiple drivers flying around cars 10 to 20 mph over the speed limit, which is already 65 mph, meaning cars are traveling in excess of 75 mph.

It is a regular occurrence to be passed on double yellows, passed on blind corners and passed with oncoming traffic quickly approaching. There have been numerous accidents and near accidents on this road as a result of the high speeds.

This highway used to be highly patrolled by Colorado State Patrol. However, other than an unmarked car, there is very little if any law enforcement on this dangerous road. While Highway 140 is simply a road for New Mexicans to get from point A to point B in as little time as possible, this road is the only road for me to go to town. It seems this road has turned into the German autobahn with no speed limit and no enforcement of traffic laws.

I am begging of our law enforcement partners, please, increase your presence on Highway 140. And to the drivers sharing the road with us, please slow down and follow the traffic laws.

Emily Horvath
