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Holidays are when downtown really shines


I’m sensing it’s a commonality among us – where did the year go? Is it really the middle of October?

The good news is we’re moving into the time of year when downtown is “The” place to be. Kudos go out to all our downtown merchants who help make the holidays special, but we’ve also got planned family-friendly events – good reasons to come and remember how lucky we are to have such a great downtown.

A record number of downtown businesses have teamed up with the Business Improvement District and Durango Chamber of Commerce to provide a safe “trick-or-treat” environment for children, as we’re hosting a “Children’s Halloween” on Oct. 31.

More than 90 downtown merchants will have Halloween goodies and surprises in their stores between 4 and 6 p.m. for children 10-years-old and younger dressed in costumes and accompanied by an adult.

This has been a tremendously successful event over the years, and we’re looking forward to another fun-filled evening. Credit for this idea and coordination of the merchants goes to Robert Stapleton, owner of Southwest Sound. We couldn’t have done it without him.

On Halloween, participating merchants throughout downtown – literally from Rio Grande Land, up the side streets and north to 12th Street – will display bright orange pumpkins in their windows to signal their involvement in our trick-or-treat festivities. Visit the BID website ( for a list of participating merchants to plot your route. Or, what I’m going to do with my son, is make a game out of it, encouraging him to “spot” the orange pumpkins in the windows! (Let’s work a little for that candy!)

BID is also once again coordinating the Singing With Santa/Community Christmas Tree Lighting on the day after Thanksgiving, Nov. 28. Yes, we will be having a procession up Main Avenue, including caroling with Santa Claus. All the details aren’t completely ironed out yet, but you can plan on this great holiday tradition.

We will assemble at about 5:45 p.m. at a location downtown and march up Main to Buckley Park with Santa. There will be hot chocolate and cookies, and as the darkness falls, we will light the holiday tree. That tree, with its hundreds of LED lights, is a spectacular landmark for our downtown during the holiday season. More details about Singing With Santa will be forthcoming.

And mark your calendar for Dec. 5, as Local First is again organizing Noel Night, an all-day promotion with merchants offering specials, giveaways and refreshments – and during the evening, there’s plenty of entertainment, as well.

We’ve got a lot going on downtown, and to keep up with everything, visit and sign up for the BID’s weekly “e-news.” It’s a quick, easy-to-read update with news you can use related to the heart of your community, downtown Durango. Tim Walsworth is the executive director of the Durango Business Improvement District.

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