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Homeless people in Fort Collins get bicycles and repairs

FORT COLLINS – Homeless people are getting a boost from a bike repair shop to get them free, reliable transportation as part of an effort to help them find jobs.

Charity organizations are asking people to donate their time and old bicycles.

Homeless people like Clay Taylor said the bikes help people get to more places around town and they make them more productive.

“Any little thing can be a big thing,” Taylor said.

“(My bike) lets me do everything. I can get around pretty quick to multiple places in town not too much slower than a car. It makes things a lot easier,” he said.

Murphy Center volunteer Mark Brewer started a homeless day shelter and bike repair program. He now depends on a handful of volunteers, including homeless people who have benefited from the program.

Area cycling shops are helping by providing discounts on parts.

People are trying to round up dozens of used adult and children’s bikes for the Murphy Center, Catholic Charities, Fort Collins Rescue Mission, Harvest Farm and The Matthews House. Extra children’s bikes will be donated to Realities for Children’s Bikes for Tykes drive.

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