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Honest debate impossible with today’s press

I guess it is just me, but it is wrong when people promote people who trample on the Constitution because they believe in gun control or spin a Supreme Court ruling with lies about how corporations with certain religious views are waging a war on women. Civility and being able to have a true debate based on facts is gone with the press that can no longer print the facts. Trying to actually get the facts on certain issues requires work because the press and the media can no longer be trusted.

For those that think state Rep. Michael McLachlan did the right thing with gun-control measures, please calmly pack your belongings and move away because you do not speak for many of those who understand that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Our government politicians, cars and doctors kill 100 times more people than an insane gunman, but we are putting controls on the guns. I often wonder why the bad guys do not go into a police station or establishments that have armed personnel and start shooting the place up. Is it maybe because they are armed?

The war on women about the birth control is a crock. The real question is, why am I, as a taxpayer, paying for women’s choice not to be responsible? Reproductive sex is not a right but a choice between that particular man and women, and if they choose to have sex, they are responsible for the outcome, not me. I am not getting pleasure by paying for their choices and consequences. Besides, you can walk into any Planned Parenthood or high school these days and get it for free.

One final note on immigration. Maybe instead of busing these children throughout the United States, why not bus them all to the wealthiest part of America, and let them take care of them instead of the border states? Take them to Washington and put them up in the Capitol and on the White House lawn. Something might happen then, but I doubt it.

Christopher M. Jones


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