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Ignacio Elementary hosts family night

Dozens of families attended Ignacio Elementary's family night for first grade students on Feb. 23.

Who says spending an evening with your first-grader involved in Scaredy Squirrel educational activities can't be fun?

No distractions ... or TV, cellphone, neighbors or in-laws dropping by. Just time with your little student.

This is what the children at Family Night at Ignacio Elementary School on Feb. 23 had to say about their families being there for them:

"It helps me to like school better."

"I feel happy."

"My dad is here because he's friendly."

"I feel less awkward about school."

"It is helpful because she helps me with the math."

"It helps me to get focused."

So, no preaching from the Families In School program, or the Ignacio Elementary School staff, or Pine River Community Learning Center (collaborators for this monthly event). Just listen to the children.

They want and need family involvement in their education. And if your school isn't lucky enough to have an operational family literacy program, there are all sorts of ways to support your child's education.