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‘Independent choice’

Jack Turner

The Durango Herald wrote that I’m the “wildcard,” a moniker proudly worn. Despite independents comprising 49% of local voters, ours is the first campaign for county commissioner matched against Republican and Democrat nominees. Both of my worthy opponents are one-term incumbents, placed on the ballot in the local tradition of political parties prearranging candidates without choice in caucuses or primary elections.

Conversely, residents from all walks of life, geographic locations and political persuasions put me on the ballot. For the past three years, I’ve crisscrossed our county, attended hundreds of private and public gatherings, and spoken with thousands to understand their concerns and perspective. They signed petitions so I could be a candidate.

There is value in independent thought, bipartisan research and evaluations of issues without favor or obligation to a political party or special interest. Across the nation and here at home, more people believe that independent candidates are a viable choice. Even voters affiliated with major parties recognize that bias, partisanship, unfettered loyalty, acrimony and extreme views (both left and right) don’t serve us. We can do better.

I offer unique experience, perspective, and ideas to reshape local government and political status quo. As a fifth-generation local, my understanding of La Plata County spans all geographic areas and all walks of life. I’ve worked on local ranches, construction projects, the Olympic Games, film and television, and even a cryptocurrency platform. As a business owner, I’m familiar with the risks, rewards and challenges of making a living for our family and providing opportunity to others. My life experience and resume make me the hardest-working, most qualified candidate for county commissioner.

If elected as your first independent county commissioner, I’ll commit to the research, hard work and facetime with the public to thoughtfully address respect for all citizens, responsible economic development, employment, agriculture, water, homelessness and . . . the list goes on.

Intersecting with nearly every issue and all residents is the lack of affordable housing. Our workforce and economic vitality is dwindling because folks can’t find a place to live. It’s a contributor to homelessness and poverty. Longtime locals are forced to move and our kids can’t stay. Please visit for some solutions.

We know sincere and open communication can bring about bold, immediate and innovative action to address our needs. Together, we can disprove the narrative that political parties offer the only solutions to challenges. I appreciate your independent thinking and vote.

Jack Turner is the independent District 1 candidate for La Plata County commissioner.