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J. Paul Brown supports gun rights

I want to encourage everyone to vote for J. Paul Brown. I have known J. Paul for many years and know him to be an honest, hardworking person. From his roles on the local school board, serving as county commissioner and as our House Representative for District 59, I have seen him act as a true leader.

He is friendly, personable and very much in touch with what is important to our part of the state as well as the rest of Colorado. Unlike his opponent Mike McLachlan, J. Paul actually does what he says he is going to do. During the last election, McLachlan claimed to be supportive of our gun rights. I personally emailed him to ask his opinion and encourage him to vote no. He clearly told me that although he did support some of the bills, he would only vote for the magazine limit bill (HB13-1224) if they raised the limit to 30 rounds. Then, as we now know, he flipped and voted for that one too!

Personally I want a representative that I can trust and is not influenced by partisan pressure. My vote will go for the proven leadership and honesty of J. Paul Brown.

Kurt Will
