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Join our lobby to fight climate change

In February of this year a sold-out presentation from the Wild and Scenic Film Festival educated members of our community about the state of the planet and raised scholarship funds for two Fort Lewis College students to attend the Citizens’ Climate Lobby national conference and lobby day in Washington, D.C.

I’m pleased to inform you the scholarships have been awarded. I was privileged to be on the committee interviewing applicants and awarding them. I’ll be honored to have these students accompany our group, meeting Scott Tipton and other members of Congress.

The youth of the world have the most persuasive case for action to diminish our impact on a changing climate. They demand and deserve a livable world. Citizens’ Climate Lobby supports a non-partisan solution, The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.

The preservation of many species including humanity is not a partisan political issue. It is a moral one. Future generations deserve the same beautiful, livable planet we inherited. We can bequeath it to them if we make the immediate, essential commitment and choice to do so. We welcome you to join us in this urgent action; email admin@durangoCCL.org.

Andrew Zeiler
