Since 1948, La Plata County has organized an annual county fair.
This year marks the event’s 70th anniversary. Join us from Aug. 8 to Aug. 12 at the La Plata County Fairgrounds to celebrate “70 Years of Fair Fun!”
The fair is always a highlight for our local 4-H club members, adult club leaders and volunteers. Youth members have been preparing a variety of projects throughout the year to enter at the fair. To complete a project, members have participated in a community service event, performed a demonstration or illustrated talk, and had an interview about their project. 4-H believes these responsibilities build strong skills for future success.
Adult club leaders and volunteers are the heart of the 4-H program. These dedicated individuals have been building essential youth-adult partnerships that allow our community to thrive. They take the time and make the commitment to mentor and pass along knowledge to the next generation. Fair time allows them to see the fruits of their labor.
4-H youth and adult members will once again be coming together to host our biggest fundraiser and best barbecue of the summer. The 4-H Community BBQ will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Aug. 11 on the lawn of the Durango/La Plata Senior Center. This is a great way to support the 4-H program and taste some exceptional barbecue.
We are excited to have five cooking teams this year competing for the coveted “Sizzling Cup.” In addition, everyone will get to vote for the popular People’s Choice Award. The Best BBQ Award will be for a combination of a team’s top beef and pork. Major sponsors and teams this year are BP America, Enduring Resources, M&R Trucking Inc., Hill Corp. and Crossfire LLC.
Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the event. Seniors and children 7 years old or younger can get in for $5. You can get tickets at the Extension Office or through 4-H club members.
The total meal consists of barbecued beef and pork, salad, bread, corn on the cob, dessert and a drink. Also, the Stillwater Foundation will be joining us this year and providing some tunes performed by youth bands.
This community event is also generously supported by the La Plata County Energy Council, Coca-Cola of Durango, Bread, Serious Texas Bar-B-Q, the Gillen Family, La Plata Electric Association, Basin Printing, Basin Coop, La Plata County Cowbelles, First National Bank of Durango and Bank of Colorado. A big thanks to everyone.
Other great attractions at the fair include: The True West Rodeo on Aug. 8; Country Soul of Sundance Head Concert on Aug. 10; and the Fair Family Dance, featuring the High Rollers, on the evening of Aug. 11.
Our office gets a lot of calls this time of year about how to join 4-H. I would suggest a good way to learn more is to come to the fair to check out our members’ amazing projects. Ask our youths and adults questions about the program and pick up information about enrollment.
I look forward to seeing past 4-H’ers and future 4-H’ers in a couple of weeks.
Greg Felsen is the La Plata County 4-H youth development agent. Reach him at or 382-6463.
Greg Felsen