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Kayla Story Patterson, Julie Westendorff answer candidacy questions

Two competing for District 3 commission seat

On Nov. 8, either Kayla Story Patterson or Julie Westendorff will claim the District 3 seat on the La Plata County Board of County Commissioners.

Elected in 2012, Westendorff, a Democrat, has four years’ political experience over her Republican challenger, Patterson, who says the varied jobs she has worked is a valuable asset that has provided her unique insight into the business community. Their written answers to questions have been edited for length and style.


Q: What are some specific steps you have planned to make up for the shortfall from oil and gas?

A: I will create a business-friendly atmosphere that will attract business and industry. In doing so, it will create a tax base that supports our rising infrastructure costs. I will be looking at the long-term trends on line items in the budget. Based on these findings, I will take a more in-depth look at where our money is being spent and what changes we can make. Further, if we have a business-friendly environment that encourages responsible growth, we will be creating new job opportunities for our community members. I would like to see La Plata County have more job opportunities that encourage and allow our high school and college graduates to stay in our community. The growth of our business economy is critical in supporting our entire community and its future.

Q: What can you bring to the table that you think your opponent cannot?

A: I want to bring a perspective of my generation and what we have to offer our local government. I was blessed to be born and raised right here in La Plata County. As many of you, I have been the student with two part-time jobs and a full class schedule; I have been the full-time job, part-time night school adult. I have also been the adult with one full-time job and two part-time jobs. I have a vast understanding of how hard it is to live and work in La Plata County to make ends meet. My generation and I are the “next in line” to take care of our environment, our infrastructure and our community. I am working hard to make sure that our local job economy, environment and community outreach are at the top of my generation’s priority list. If I am given this opportunity to put people first and agenda-driven politics last, I will lead this change by example.

Q: How do you define smart growth? What would that look like as a land-use policy?

A: “Smart growth” means allowing businesses and residents to live and thrive together. Elected officials are chosen to represent our community, not their own special interests or special interest groups. La Plata County needs to be a community of teamwork, working with the city of Durango, the towns of Bayfield and Ignacio and reaching out to Vallecito and our surrounding tribes. Working with businesses and school districts, state and federal governments, we can all work together to achieve a common goal.

“Smart growth” can be the balance achieved between future growth and development and the county’s ability to provide the necessary services including roads, water, sewer and emergency services. This can be achieved without compromising our open space.

We need to work with builders and developers who use the land-use code the most. We have some talented builders and developers in La Plata County. I would like to see them thrive and be excited about their commitment to stay in our community, knowing that we have a predictable, affordable community-constructed planning process that supports their industry and our community needs. Further, we need to cultivate a strong relationship with our surrounding tribes.

Q: What experience has prepared you for office?

A: While I started my working career within my family’s business, I was blessed to be employed in five of the major business industries here in La Plata County. In doing so, I was able to gain a better understanding of the challenges they face and the opportunities they provide to our community. I have a good understanding of hard work, multi-tasking and teamwork that I would like to bring to our county government.

I have also been privileged to be a part of several nonprofit organizations throughout my business career: Rotaract, American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, Manna Soup Kitchen and Operation Second Chance.

La Plata County has an abundance of nonprofit organizations, allowing us all to come together and work as a team toward a common goal. Shouldn’t our local county government do the same? I have the ability and forethought to lead this transformation by example.

I believe my economically diverse and community service-oriented background will bring a fresh new look into our county government.


Q: What are some specific steps you have planned to make up for the shortfall from oil and gas?

A: Like counties from New Mexico, to North Dakota, to Ohio, La Plata County is seeing a significant decline in tax revenue from the oil and gas industry. This will negatively hit the county’s operations budgets in 2017 and 2018. We will have to prioritize and potentially curtail some services county residents are accustomed to. We will need to separate what needs to be done right now from what may be postponed for a few years. As in the private sector, some costs, like health care, will rise outside of our control, so that doubles down on cuts for costs that we can control. I hate that we will not likely be able to give employees raises. This may hurt employee retention, which just adds back-end costs if we have to replace experienced employees. On a brighter side, we should be seeing some efficiencies from technological improvements made over the last couple of years.

Q: What can you bring to the table that you think your opponent cannot?

A: I bring experience with dealing with complicated issues and consequences. I have more than 20 years working for the people of La Plata County as a prosecutor and judge and as a real estate broker. I now have four years as a county commissioner. In that time, I have made sensible, balanced decisions because I ask questions, I listen and I do my homework. I have testified at the Colorado Senate for legislation to help our airport. In the Gold King Mine spill, I was there meeting with senators and the EPA administrator on the emergency response and addressing immediate concerns about our community’s health and safety. I worked with our regional neighbors to support Superfund designation to clean up the Animas. I continue to work with our congressional representatives for Denver TV and local partners for broadband internet throughout the county. Finally, I meet every month with any citizen who wants to stop by my Bayfield office hours because I know that being a county commissioner isn’t just about the big stuff; it’s also about addressing individual constituents’ concerns.

Q: How do you define smart growth? What would that look like as a land-use policy?

A: Development typically occurs where there is adequate infrastructure, whether that is roads, water lines, sewer, power lines or broadband internet. We can plan infrastructure while respecting open space, so I don’t see a conflict between open space and business development.

Smart growth, for me, means efficiency, efficient co-location of infrastructure, minimization of negative impact, efficient use of roads, etc. One of the challenges to development in our county is that there are few places that have all the necessary infrastructure in one location. Filling those gaps can help make areas amendable to development. From a policy standpoint, I envision areas of the county that are trying to develop, like Grandview, moving to more traditional zoning to improve land-use predictability.

Q: Citing specific issues or votes, how have the past four years prepared you for another term?

A: As a commissioner, I have faced a number of difficult situations and found good resolutions. As an example, the Gold King Mine incident tested me in many ways, but I am a stronger leader as a result. In an emergency, a commissioner has to be level-headed and calm. The community looks to local government for reassurance that we can make it through. We have done a lot of work to make sure that community safety is maintained. I have traveled to Denver and Washington, D.C., to fight for La Plata County to be made whole and for the mines to be cleaned up.

I can’t overstate the importance of four years of building relationships and trust with our regional neighbors, our tribes, and our state and federal officials. La Plata County is respected in the region and state, and I can call on those allies to cooperate when we need help.

I have maintained my independence in decision-making, using my own judgment. Sometimes I have been in the majority, sometimes in the minority, but I have made every decision with clear conscience, and I will continue to do so.


Voter information

The Nov. 8 election is the first presidential election in which all voters will receive a ballot through the mail if registered to vote by Oct. 31. Here’s some details:

Ballots will be mailed beginning Monday.

Ballots can be returned by mail or dropped off at secure, 24-hour drop boxes at: La Plata County Clerk & Recorder’s Office, 98 Everett St., Durango; Bayfield Town Hall, 1199 Bayfield Parkway, Bayfield; La Plata County Administration Building, 1101 E. Second Ave., Durango; or Farmers Fresh Market, 535 Goddard Ave., Ignacio.

Voter registration is open through Election Day.

Voter Service and Polling Centers in La Plata County will be open Monday through Saturday, beginning Oct. 24.

For a sample ballot and times and addresses for polling centers, go to



Election Coverage

The Durango Herald will bring you daily election coverage through Oct. 23, with stories on every contested race and every local and state ballot issue. You can find all election coverage at durangoherald.com/election.

Kayla Story Patterson

EDUCATION: Rocky Mountain Institute of Healing Arts, diploma in massage therapy; continuing education at Pueblo Community College.

POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Has not held office.

OCCUPATION: Legal support administrator for Vantiv Integrated Payments.

WEBSITE: www.kaylapatterson.net

Julie Westendorff

EDUCATION: College of William and Mary, bachelor’s degree, University of Virginia School of Law, law degree.

POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: County commissioner since 2012.

OCCUPATION: County commissioner.

WEBSITE: www.julieforcommissioner2016.com

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