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Keep progress going, re-elect McLachlan

Mike McLachlan has represented Colorado’s 59th House district for the past two years. During that time, the state’s economy has grown, jobs have increased, we have more funds for education, (and for much needed new building construction at Fort Lewis College and Western State College) and, among other things, we’re better prepared to face another difficult fire season. Mike’s influence and success in the Legislature has helped the 59th.

The Front Range communities get lots of political attention. Mike, along with our state senator, Ellen Roberts, makes sure the rural Western Slope folks aren’t forgotten. Both Mike and Ellen realize the advantage of working with the other side to ensure a quality of life for their residents.

Too many politicians these days are angry and call for government shutdowns. Mike is one of those who sees the positive government can do for education, our veterans, protecting the environment, bringing new jobs into the district, standing up for women, and upgrading our roads and infrastructure. Mike regularly appears before his constituents and doesn’t demean those with opposing views.

If you want to see progress, vote in November for Mike McLachlan to continue as our 59th District representative.

John Mannix


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