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La Plata County Fair schedule of events

Mackenzie Swanemyr, 13, blow dries her Hereford mix cow C.J. at the 2022 La Plata County Fair. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald file)

4 p.m.: 4-H Sheep Show, all classes judging open class sheep show, followed by swine showmanship.

6 p.m.: Livestock sale verification sheep cards due.

6:30 p.m.: True Western Roundup. $20 adults, $18 youths and seniors tickets, free for ages 4 and under.


8:30 a.m.: Judging 4-H/FFA breeding swine, market swine followed by open class swine, all classes

9 a.m.-8 p.m.: Exhibits open to the public.

9 a.m.: Judging 4-H/FFA and open class fleeces.

9 a.m.: 4-H poultry judging followed by open class.

9 a.m.: Judging open class home economics, horticulture, floriculture, creative arts.

1 p.m.: Judging 4-H/FFA goats, all classes followed by open class goats, all classes followed by alpaca demonstrations.

5 p.m.: Fair royalty speeches and modeling.

7 p.m.: Talent Contest, patio.

7 p.m.: Livestock verification swine, poultry, goat, general project cards due.


9 a.m.-8 p.m.: Exhibits open to the public.

9 a.m.: Judging 4-H/FFA rabbits.

10 a.m.: 4-H/FFA breeding beef, beef showmanship.

1 p.m.: Judging 4-H/FFA market beef, grand champion and reserve grand champion market beef, champion selection.

2 p.m.: Dairy cattle, all classes.

3:15 p.m.: Pee Wee Showmanship.

4 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Livestock Round Robbin, All-Around Showmanship.

8 p.m.: Suzy Bogguss Concert. Tim Sullivan starts at 6:45 p.m., and Suzy Bogguss starts at 8 p.m., general admission $30, reserved seating $45, and VIP seating in front of stage $65.


9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.: Exhibits open to the public.

9 a.m.: Judging open class beef, all classes.

9 a.m.: 4-H dog show.

10 a.m.: Rooster crowing contest.

10 a.m.: FFA showmanship.

11 a.m.: Open class dairy cattle, all classes.

Noon-4 p.m.: Community 4-H Barbeque Cook-Off, fairgrounds baseball field.

2 p.m.: Rabbit costume contest, custom parade of animals to follow.

5 p.m.: Silver steaks, silver loin and silver chop award presentation.

5:45 p.m.: Fair Royalty crowning.

6 p.m.: Junior livestock sale, pavilion.

9 p.m.-noon: Fair Family Dance, patio, $5 per person at the door.


8 a.m.: Cowboy church (pavilion).

8 a.m.: Carcass animals loaded.

9 a.m.- 1 p.m.: Exhibits open to the public.

1 p.m.: Animals released.

1:30 p.m.: 4-H/FFA Catch-It contest.

1-2 p.m.: Payment of premiums.

1-2 p.m.: Exhibits released in all departments.

1-2 p.m.: Poultry and rabbit exhibits released.

2-4 p.m.: Booths taken down.

Saturday, Aug. 17

Noon: Demolition Derby, gates open at 10 a.m. at the Sky Ute Fairgrounds, $15 per ticket.

Beer Garden is open Thursday, Aug. 8 through Saturday, Aug. 10.