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Letter: Keep up COVID-19 safety protocols

Summer is coming, but that doesn’t mean COVID-19 is leaving. As of April 25, data from the CDC states that only 28.5% of the United States population is fully vaccinated, with an extra 8% of citizens having received only their first doses.

This shows the disparity of people who have not received their vaccines. It is now more important than ever to keep wearing a mask and social distance until the United States’ vaccination percentage goes up.

Durango summers are for experiencing all the wonders that the city has to offer. From hiking the beautiful trails, to the festivities in the city, there is so much temptation to relax COVID-19 safety protocols. I know the vast majority of the community is eager to take advantage of the fact, but the community still needs to stay the course so everyone can be safe.

My grandparents are some of the most active people I know, even in their 80s, but I still fear for their safety, especially when I see people walking around without their masks on. There are still many people with underlying health conditions who have not had the chance to receive their vaccinations, along with many people who are not yet comfortable with people having their masks off.

For the safety of your loved ones and the community, keep on social distancing while wearing a mask so we can end this pandemic and resume enjoying the activities that we love.

Be a hero and wear a mask; it saves lives.

Jay MeyersDurango