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Letter: Lauren Boebert is off to a bad start

It would be hard to imagine a worse start for Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert than her joining the anti-democratic movement seeking to overturn the results of the presidential election. She claims she intends to “defend the U.S. Constitution,” yet seeks to overturn (without evidence) the most sacred bedrock principle of the republic.

Does it not trouble her that her allegations have already been tested by the U.S. legal system and rejected, not once but 39 times? Has she read any of the judges’ opinions in these cases? Or is it all Newsmax, One America News and Fox? She evidently resides in an alternative universe where facts don’t matter but winning is the only thing that does. And if the majority of America happens not to agree, well, obviously their votes are “illegitimate” and “illegal.” Looks like it’s going to be a very long two years.

Lawrence Gross
