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Letter: Officials have deceived us on COVID-19

We have been deceived; not always on purpose, however. Many of the original officials preaching to us about what measures to take in order to avoid the COVID-19 virus believed what they were preaching. The number of those who believe what they are preaching now has dramatically declined. The gullible public is being asked to ignore what we are seeing with our own eyes, and believe what these people (who know better) want us to believe.

They live for the notoriety and attention they are receiving. They are destroying lives and whole communities for their own selfish motives. It is more than apparent to most of us that the shutdowns, masks, distancing and other mandates, which have failed since last spring, are not effective.

All the damage that has been done to our nation has done nothing but postpone what would have already happened. The health care officials publicly announced that surges were to be expected because of the “flattening of the curve” that we all endured last summer. This is insane. Let’s open back up and live rather than be petrified of dying from a disease that is 99.5% survivable.

Eileen WrightDurango