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Letter: There is gender bias in Herald reporting

I appreciated The Durango Herald’s recent article, “

Unfortunately, the article refers to Erika as “a mother of twins,” while describing her competitor as a Durango educational consultant.

While Erika’s identity as a mother is relevant, it is not the primary reason she was selected, which we can assume was based on her outstanding educational background, professional experience and long involvement with the district.

Her competitor is also a parent and grandparent, but the Herald chose to identify him primarily by his professional background. This article is an unfortunate example of gender bias in the media, where coverage of a woman in leadership is framed in gendered terms, in this case by Erika’s status as a mother rather than her professional qualifications.

Gendered media coverage of this type is particularly insidious because it undermines women’s credibility in the professional sphere and serves to perpetuate gender stereotypes. I hope the Herald will give more consideration to the title and content of articles. Women like Erika, who have the courage to lead in our community, deserve media coverage that focuses on their professional competence and achievements.

Maya KaneDurango