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Letter: Trump is a con artist and grifter

Shame on the new editorial page editor for printing this slanderous and uninformed letter from reader Dave Gibbons. He not only has no idea of Joe Biden’s accomplishments in service to his country, he genuflects to Donald Trump, describing him as “smart running businesses.”

So let’s put the cards on the table: Trump was not a successful businessman. He has been a successful con artist and grifter his entire adult life.

For instance, his tax records show he makes money from the IRS because his businesses lose money. He went bankrupt three times in the casino business (of all things); he has been a tax fraud, business fraud (let’s not forget Trump University), charity fraud and, not to put too fine a point on it, he has bragged about his sexual predation. Each of his wives was known as “the other woman.” After marrying Melania, he proceeded to have affairs with a porn actress and a Playboy model, then allegedly paid for their silence.

In the 2017 book by Bandy Lee, M.D., “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President,” experts came to the collective analysis that Trump is a chronically narcissistic sociopath devoid of any empathy or compassion.

Gibbons finds Trump a model of executive leadership while apparently taking clues from right-wing media gasbags.

Is this really the best editing effort of our new editorial page editor?

David OhmanDurango

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