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Letters: Leftism more dangerous than COVID-19

We have a national outbreak of leftism sweeping our country and threatening to kill our democracy and way of life.

Symptoms of leftism include: hating America; feeling justified in rioting, looting, stealing and killing of innocent people in the name of social justice; expressing hate against the police who are sworn to serve and protect the innocent and defenseless; feeling the urge to tear down statues of famous historical figures such as Christopher Columbus; feeling hate for white people who you think are all racist; accusing anyone who is not in support of the radical policies of Black Lives Matter and antifa of being racist; shutting down free speech; doxing anyone who dares to speak out against the radical mob; and having the urge to bend the knee in front of an angry mob of looters, rioters and white haters to express your sins of being a racist even if you are not.

If you have any or perhaps all of these symptoms, then you have caught the disease of leftism.

The only known cure is to tune out CNN and all other forms of leftist propaganda media and start to think for yourself.

Jeff BleeckerDurango