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Letters: Letter writer should get history straight

I have been waiting for some history buff to take to task Mike Sigman for his imaginative historiography. In his letter, “

Between 800 and 1492 A.D., Christians, Jews and Muslims lived in peace and harmony under the Muslim rulers of Spain. The ensuing renaissance produced lasting advances in science, mathematics and philosophy.

Jews and Muslims were expelled from Spain after the fall of Granada, in 1492. Subsequently, for 450 years, the exiled Jews lived in peace and harmony under the Moors of North Africa, the Turkish sultans of Istanbul, the caliphs of Baghdad and the khedives of Cairo. This only ended after the founding of Israel in 1948.

The Nazi Brown Shirts pursued violently both socialists and Jews during the Weimar Republic. After the burning of the Reichstag in 1933, this murderous campaign accelerated, culminating in the Holocaust.

Tom GivónIgnacio