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Letters: Take heart, we’re getting ready for this virus

I was relieved and proud as I observed the dedication and expertise exhibited by the San Juan Basin Health Department and the sheriff’s department at the COVID-19 mobile testing unit.

Our community should be reassured that both agencies worked hard and on very short notice to set up the testing. Safety, and effective utilization of scarce resources, were clearly a priority.

Lianne Jollon, Dr. Laura Warner and all the staff at the Health Department – both onsite and working behind the scenes at home – deserve credit for taking the first step in what will hopefully become widespread testing in the county.

Likewise, Sheriff Sean Smith and his team provided valuable resources and security, and introduced new equipment, such as the long shelters for drive-through testing which had been acquired well in advance. The two agencies allowed La Plata County to establish the only mobile testing unit in Colorado not supported by the National Guard.

More challenges will confront us all and more testing is clearly needed. For now, I hope it helps to feel some small relief and some great pride in the efforts which our local experts expended.

Jay CiottiDurango