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Letters: Wearing a mask is not a punishment

Masks are not a punishment but rather an educated expression of caring for your community and all the people in it.

I have read that many people who choose not to wear a mask feel that people who are immune-compromised should just stay home. Do you know who and how many people you are addressing? People with transplants, arthritis, cancer, digestive issues, heart disease, diabetes and allergies, just to name a few. The elderly account for about 10% of La Plata County residents, let’s generously say only half have health conditions. That is still a fair amount of people to whom you are saying, “Stay home – do not shop, do not dine and do not enjoy anything outside your home locally.”

Think about what your constant message of personal exclusion says. And economically, is everyone really feeling cocky enough with their bank accounts and jobs to tell a sizable amount of the local population to just stay home and spend money out of town online because the neighbor won’t put on a face covering?

It does not take much for you to join the club, so give the world big thanks for your good health and please wear a mask for others so that we can all get back a little bit of normal in our lives.

Simone CrouchelliBayfield