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Local Briefs

Roadside mowing to take place on 160

Colorado Department of Transportation will perform roadside mowing from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Thursday on U.S. Highway 160 east and west of Bayfield.

There will be some traffic slowing and minimal delays.

For more information, visit www.coloradodot.info.

Horse-barrel race to be held Saturday

Southwest Barrel Racers Association will host a barrel race Saturday at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds, 30100 U.S. Highway 160 in Cortez.

There will be prizes and jackpot money. The cost for the 4D Jackpot Open is $40. The cost for the 4D Youth and Seniors is $30. Time only runs will start at 10:30 a.m. The open race will start at 12:30 p.m.

For more information, call Patti Carlile at 799-8968 or email pcarlile@gte.net.

For the Birds bird seed available

For the Birds will make its proprietary blend bird seed, Southwest Blend, available for order between now and Monday.

Dietz Market, 26345 U.S. Highway 160, will provide space in its pottery yard for customers to pick up their seed orders Sept. 19 and 20. The seed must be ordered in advance, and the deadline for order by phone or email is Monday.

To order or for more information, call 382-9396 or visit www.forthebirdsdurango.com.

Friends of library to host contest

A bookmark contest will be offered by the Friends of the Durango Public Library.

Every year, bookmarks are distributed throughout the community featuring artwork and a book-related saying on one side, and dates for the Friends’ book sales on the other. This year, the Friends are sponsoring a contest for two different bookmarks. One will be created by an elementary or middle school student, and the other by a high school student.

Winners in each category will be awarded a Kindle Paperwhite. The winner’s name also will be printed on the bookmark. Applications and rules are available at the library and at all elementary, middle and high schools. All bookmark artwork entries must be turned in to the library front desk by the Oct. 1 deadline.

Contestants sought for Mrs. Durango

The search is on for the new Mrs. Durango for the Mrs. America Pageant.

Once selected, the community representative will advance on to compete in the Mrs. Colorado Pageant to be held April 18 at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver.

City and county titleholders will compete to win more than 25,000 in prizes, including an all-expenses-paid trip to the nationally televised Mrs. America Pageant.

Applicants must live or work in the Durango area, be married during the time of competition, be at least 18 years old and be a U.S. citizen and resident of the Colorado for at least the last six months. There is no age limit or performing talent.

For more information, visit www.mrscolorado.com or call (303) 593-1199.

Girl Scouts to offer information day

Girl Scouts of Colorado will host a Parent Information Day from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Saturday at First United Methodist Church, 2917 Aspen Drive.

Participants will learn about the Girl Scout troop opportunities for girls in Durango.

For more information, email Hilary Martin at hilary.martin@gscolorado.org or call (970) 628-8007.

Herald Staff

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