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Looking beyond Main is goal

Today, the Durango Business Improvement District takes a next step in planning for the future, continuing to help enhance the economic vitality of our district, which includes both Downtown and north Main Avenue.

As we do every year, we’re holding our board of directors and staff retreat for a good part of the day today.

The BID welcomes two new faces to the board, David Moler, owner of Durango Rivertrippers, and Kris Oyler, CEO of Steamworks Brewing Co. and El Moro Spirits and Tavern. They’ll bring a fresh perspective to the BID and join existing board members Bob Allen, Antonia Clark and John Wells in working for the benefit of the district.

One item on today’s agenda is to plan more assistance for our constituents along Camino del Rio and on north Main. BID’s boundaries extend to Camino del Rio from the DoubleTree hotel north to where it joins Main Avenue, all the way to the Iron Horse Inn.

Downtown is of course the BID’s primary “brand,” but we support constituents in those other areas as well. These areas are attracting new businesses already, but we’re hoping to develop ideas and projects for beautification and more to make it even more appealing. We’ve worked hard downtown, now we want to spread the joy. Exactly what these programs will look like: Well, it’s too soon to tell.

One thing I do know, however, is that we need to start somewhere. Many of our north Main Avenue properties and businesses need improved access. The sidewalks hop-scotch through the corridor, while opportunities for property development abound.

BID certainly can look into extending the downtown flower barrel and holiday lighting programs the entire length of Main. On every light pole on north Main, there are brackets for banners which could be filled with colorful signs welcoming everyone to Durango. Plus there’s the possibility of working with the Durango Chamber of Commerce for a “clean day” for these areas, helping them feel more welcoming to patrons, which in turn, enhances the vibrancy of the corridor and the city as a whole.

Concurrent with our efforts, the city is moving ahead on a mobility study for north Main, and we’re excited to be a part of that as well and assist however we can.

If you have any suggestions or ideas for Camino del Rio and north Main, we’d love to hear them. Email me at with your thoughts.

As the BID plans move forward, we’ll keep constituents updated at the monthly BID Coffee & Conversation, held the second Friday of each month, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in the First National Bank of Durango conference room, as well as through our weekly BID E-News. If you’re not signed up for the E-News, visit and click BID E-News.

On a different note, a few advertising spaces still exist on the BID’s 2015 Visitors Map, which will be printed for distribution at key guest locations such as the airport, hotels and the Welcome Center. It also will be interactive online – including direct links to advertisers’ websites. BID Community Relations Coordinator Pam Glasco is working on the layout now, so please give her a call to be included, 375-5067. Tim Walsworth is executive director of Durango Business Improvement District.

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