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‘LPEA board continues to fail members’

In my opinion, our LPEA board continues to fail our members and needs new leadership.

On Monday in a special board meeting, our board voted to leave Tri-State, the generation and transmission nonprofit cooperative that has dependably provided our power. The board failed to notify members in advance that this was the purpose of the meeting.

The board failed to say what the buyout cost is. The board failed to address concerns about the dependability of alternate power sources. The board failed to address questions on the economics of the buyout. The board failed to address finance concerns raised by board member Kohler McInnis.

Recently, the board failed to notify members of how to be a candidate in an upcoming board election. They failed to follow their own policies, bylaws and state law.

The Sunnyside Community Solar Garden has recently been in the news. This solar garden has been in planning and building for more than two years. Our board has failed to provide information on how to subscribe to the solar garden and the cost of subscription.

A recent article was published on limitations to rooftop solar installations. In the article, it’s said that a third party analyzed our network, and found potential for “safety and reliability risk.”

Why did it require a third party to do this analysis? Our board has failed in providing our staff with the tools and expertise to evaluate the safety and reliability of our power grid.

Please, consider running for the LPEA board.

John Purser
