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LPEA board needs business leadership

I am a director of the La Plata Electric (LPEA) board. The opinions expressed in this letter are mine.  I have served on many different boards.  The LPEA board is not a high functioning board right now due to block votes. 

Don't take my word for it, visit the LPEA website and read the minutes from past meetings, for yourself.

It is time for new, ethical, directors that understand the financial implications of their decisions. It is time for new directors to represent all cooperative members!  Although I am not continuing my board service; I care about the cooperative model. 

At the last board LPEA director meeting, there were four directors that felt candidates for the board should sign an affidavit that simply affirmed they were qualified to run for the board based on the bylaws of the company. This action was defeated! That is why I am supporting Kohler McInnes (district 2), Jim Wotkyns (district 3), Karen Barger (district 4) and Bob Formwalt (district 1).  They have volunteered to sign an affidavit that they are qualified to serve based on the bylaws and they have no ties with businesses or organizations that do business with LPEA.  All are successful business people with experience serving on boards supporting our communities.

Ballots were mailed April 24th.  Please vote for the candidate in your district and let's elect new leadership!

Jerry McCaw
