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Masks no longer required at Durango airport, on city transit

All three airlines serving DRO made face coverings optional
Jack Youle with American Airlines checks in Al Harper on Tuesday at Durango-La Plata County Airport. Masks are now optional at the airport after a federal judge ruled this week that the federal mask mandate is unlawful. When asked about being able to travel without a mask, Harper said, “It’s great.” The three airlines serving the airport have also made masks optional. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)

Face masks will no longer be required at Durango-La Plata County Airport or on city of Durango transportation services after a federal judge ruled this week that the federal mask mandate is unlawful.

The city announced Tuesday that masks will be optional at the airport and on city buses and transportation hubs.

All three airlines serving Durango-La Plata County Airport have also made masks optional. Passengers should check with their airline and destination airport as their policies may differ. DRO recommends travelers carry masks in case the situation evolves.

Very few people on Tuesday wore masks at Durango-La Plata County Airport after a federal judge ruled this week that the federal mask mandate is unlawful. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)

“We recognize that travelers and airport employees may have mixed feelings about this sudden change,” said Aviation Director Tony Vicari. “Regardless of anyone’s personal decision to wear or not wear a mask, we must remember to remain kind and respectful of these individual decisions.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend people wear masks in indoor public transportation settings.

“I am incredibly proud of the employees at DRO who have diligently complied with all local, state and federal mask requirements for over two years,” Vicari said in a news release issued by the city. “This was a challenging period of time, and our team at the airport has done an outstanding job of following the applicable health guidelines and federal regulations to a tee. I am grateful to all the employees at the airport for their patience, understanding and commitment to public health throughout the pandemic.”

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