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McLachlan, Udall support water grab

The Waters of the United States, or WOTUS, rule as proposed by the EPA is an enormous overreach, an attempt to gain increased control over all water.

The EPA’s proposed rule would expand federal jurisdiction over water currently managed by states. This would potentially subject farmers and ranchers to federal permitting just to carry out day-to-day operations. When asked his position on WOTUS at Cattleman’s Forum on Sept. 22, Mike McLachlan responded he was not familiar with all the bill, but he basically supported it and believed most Colorado legislators did also. Sen. Mark Udall has expressed his approval of the EPA rule as well. J. Paul Brown calls this a “power grab,” which it is; ask any water authority in the state. Farm Bureau and state leaders throughout the West (except Colorado) have been extremely vocal and involved in opposing WOTUS.

Don’t let their political ads deceive you. McLachlan’s and Udall’s idea of protecting our water is to turn jurisdiction over to federalism. These men need to be voted out of office, and we have that opportunity on Nov. 4.

Caryl Helmin


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