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Memorial fund established for Scott Hagler’s mother

By Ann Butler

Herald Neighbors Columnist

The perfect way to remember a talented musician is to help the next generation of aspiring musicians hone their talents.

So 3rd Ave. Arts decided to honor Executive Director C. Scott Hagler’s mother, Jean Hagler, who died March 12, the first day of the organization’s Bach Festival.

“She was a primary force in Scott’s formation as an elite musician as well a teacher of piano and voice,” 3rd Ave. Arts Board President Steve Kiely said. “I’m pleased to announce that we have established a Memorial Fund in Jean’s memory.”

The fund will provide scholarships for Durango-area students to participate in music-education programs sponsored by 3rd Avenue Arts, including the Durango Chamber Music Academy conducted each summer, along with a number of music camps.

On the schedule this year are Young Composers, Young Musicians and Beginning Guitar camps and a Piano Academy at Fort Lewis College. The camps are for music students of all levels ages 5 to 18.

The 3rd Ave. Arts Board of Directors has kicked off the fund with a $3,000 donation.

Contributions may be made by sending checks payable to the Jean Hagler Memorial Scholarship, c/o 3rd Ave. Arts. P.O. Box 1383, Durango, CO 81302.

Scott Hagler’s impact on the local arts scene cannot be overstated. Between keeping the Durango Arts Center’s doors open when it was within an inch of closing, to the creation of 3rd Ave. Arts, the Bach, Sacred Arts and Chamber festivals and several summer music academies and camps, he has made a significant difference.

This is a good way to say thank you.


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