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Mitsch Bush is not extreme, she’s good

I am concerned about the false allegations against Diane Mitsch Bush which have appeared in our mailboxes and on television. She believes government should do more to help people, but using trigger words which create a reaction but are seldom well understood, does nothing to explain a candidate’s record.

Finding out that Diane was awarded “Legislator of the Year” by both the Colorado Livestock Association and the Rocky Mountain Farm Bureau would likely surprise people if all they’ve seen are the attack ads. Diane served 10 years as a county planning commissioner and then was elected to serve two terms as a Routt County Commissioner where she worked directly with people on water rights, tourism, agriculture, public lands, broadband, transportation and affordable housing. She was active in Club 20.

She subsequently was elected to serve two terms in the Colorado Legislature. She and her opponent, Rep. Scott Tipton, have very different views on most issues. What has Congress accomplished on these issues: immigration, deficit reduction, health care, climate change, infrastructure, etc.?

We need to elect new leaders. This is a great opportunity to term-limit Scott Tipton and send new people like Diane Mitsch Bush to Congress. Please check her website for detailed info.

Carrie Smith
