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‘Multiple concerns about a ‘resort’ RV park’

My husband and I are residents of the Animas Valley, and have long respected and valued the unique characteristics of this area of La Plata County. We have multiple concerns about the potential of allowing a large “resort” RV park to be built on the banks of the Animas River in the valley.

These include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Development in the valley that does not follow 1993 County Land Use Code requirements for responsible and sustainable growth.

2. Development in the valley that contributes to a change in the essential nature of the area for the benefit of a few nonresidents to the detriment of Durango and the people who actually live and work here;

3. Negative impact on the ecosystem of this area, particularly through destruction of wildlife habitats and migration patterns, and effects of yet more detrimental human impact on wildlife.

4. Concern for public safety and negative change to the rural nature of this area because of increased traffic, noise, and light and water pollution caused by overuse of the area.

We residents chose to live here. Please, help prevent outside interests from destroying our area. By my count, there are already five existing RV parks in the Animas Valley. Surely that’s enough.

Suzanne Parker
